Reflective Statement - Toolkit 2

Throughout these projects I found them quite fascinating to work with. They have allowed me to give a better appreciation of the software and work done with the programs used. Despite the recent trying times I have the experience quite fulfilling to understand how industry operates.

For my Jetpack Jones the challenge was hard as I often encountered many obstacles either due to a mistake I made or the software acting up. Still I was impressed with what I was able to accomplish and has given me insight into what to expect when I go professional. It has also made me think of which roll to undertake when I enter the industry properly. Although I do feel that it still could be better as I may have done some improper modelling and did get many turnarounds out before the deadline. Overall I feel quite pleased with the outcome as I have managed to at least render a turnaround and completely rigged, textured, and posed Jones makes me anticipate for the next pipeline project as I do think I'm ready for it.

Sculpting in Mudbox has been quite interesting especially when it came to my own model after learning its tools and techniques. As a result I have applied what I have learnt from my experiences into other projects and I do look eager to do else in future ones. The method of converting models in bumpmaps and the sculpting layers have been helpful and interesting ways of handling digital modelling when it comes to the pipeline. Character Design has also been a fun and intriguing experience. The fundamentals of character design is something I think will extremely helpful later down the line. The challenges we were given also proved to be very engaging and gave me insight into how to properly develope characters visually expressive of their personality and the world in which they inhabit. Although I do feel my character bible could use some work

When it comes to the animations they have helped out alot in studying form and developing my time cordination to get precise and characterful movements. It was helpful in that I understood how actual animations are constructed. However, I do feel that I could of done more to clean some of my animations particularly the pose to pose animation and lip syncing as they do appear to be somewhat crude. That said I am happy with the latter turned out with the precise lip syncing and characterful expressions. Ultimately I do think my animations skills have developed more over this year especially in the areas of facial animation as it helps bring out characters' emotions.


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